Are We Really Safe?
by Emma Parrill
I recently read an article on the attacks in Paris, and the retaliation of France. It's been reported that the French military dropped 24 bombs on Raqqa and the known ISIS bases, specifically a stadium and museum. Apparently, ISIS is using these places as jails, and the stadium is the main base of operation. The anti-ISIS group "Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently" said that there are no reported civilian casualties.
"War" has been declared on France, says the French Interior Minister Bernard Cazenueve. He also said, "It is not they who will destroy the Republic. The Republic will destroy them." Since the attacks on Friday, France has been making its own airstrikes against ISIS without the U.S.-led coalition it usually attacks with. Scary stuff, but France is one of the toughest countries. I know they can get through this.
When I was little, I didn't think too much of terrorist attacks. I always thought, "that can't happen here. Our president will protect us." But as I got older, that mindset changed and I began to worry that someone would fly a plane into the Nationwide building downtown. But I think that's just because it's one of the biggest buildings I've seen in Columbus. But now, I could never imagine a terrorist shooting up The LC Pavilion or The Newport. Sadly, though, I can imagine someone flying a plane into the new World Trade Center.
I think that if a terrorist attack could happen in Paris, it could happen in Columbus. At first glance, Columbus isn't very flashy or big like DC or New York, but it's just big enough that it could be a target. It could be one of those cities that says "if Columbus can get hit, anywhere can get hit." Everyone says their small town is safe, but if they hit somewhere that's not quite Manhattan but still bigger that the smallest town in Utah, then nowhere is safe. So yes, I do think Columbus could be a target.
I never feel safe, though, so it's nothing new for me to assume the place I'm in will be shot up. Or blown up. When I visit cosplay conventions, I assume the masquerade will be blown up, or the food court will be the grounds for a shooting. Because how can your government protect you from something like that? That's probably my paranoia, though. When it comes to the thought of a real terrorist attack on Columbus, I am scared. The governor of Ohio can't stop someone from strapping a bomb to their chest and running into a crowded convention center, yelling "Get down, I have a bomb" or hijacking some sort of aircraft. I don't know how to make our country, or any other country safe. It's a horrible thing and we just need to be ready for anything.
Wonderful job with this. I love that you are becoming a better writer by the day -- makes me feel like I'm doing my job.